NR 27.03(3)(i)13.13. Carex careyana — Carey’s Sedge (Cyperaceae: Sedge Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)14.14. Carex concinna — Beautiful Sedge (Cyperaceae: Sedge Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)15.15. Carex exilis — Coast Sedge (Cyperaceae: Sedge Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)16.16. Carex formosa — Handsome Sedge (Cyperaceae: Sedge Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)17.17. Carex garberi — Elk Sedge (Cyperaceae: Sedge Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)18.18. Carex lenticularis — Lenticular Sedge (Cyperaceae: Sedge Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)19.19. Carex michauxiana — Michaux’s Sedge (Cyperaceae: Sedge.
NR 27.03(3)(i)21.21. Cirsium hillii — Hill’s Thistle (Asteraceae: Aster Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)22.22. Cirsium pitcheri — Dune Thistle (Asteraceae: Composite Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)23.23. Cypripedium arietinum — Ram’s-head Lady’s-slipper (Orchidaceae: Orchid Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)24.24. Cypripedium candidum — White Lady’s-slipper (Orchidaceae: Orchid Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)25.25. Drosera anglica — English Sundew (Droseraceae: Sundew Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)26.26. Drosera linearis — Linear-leaved Sundew (Droseraceae: Sundew Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)27.27. Echinacea pallida — Purple Coneflower (Asteraceae: Composite Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)28.28. Eleocharis rostellata — Beaked Spike-rush (Cyperaceae: Sedge Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)28m.28m. Elytrigia dasystachya ssp. psammophila — Thickspike Wheatgrass (Poaceae: Grass Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)28t.28t. Eurybia furcata — Forked Aster (Asteraceae: Aster Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)29.29. Festuca occidentalis — Western Fescue (Poaceae: Grass Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)30.30. Fraxinus quadrangulata — Blue Ash (Oleaceae: Olive Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)34.34. Hypericum sphaerocarpum — Round-fruited St. John’s Wort (Hypericaceae: St. John’s Wort Family)
NR 27.03(3)(i)35.35. Iris lacustris — Dwarf Lake Iris (Iridaceae: Iris Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)36.36. Lespedeza virginica — Slender Bush Clover (Fabaceae: Bean Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)37.37. Lesquerella ludoviciana — Bladderpod (Brassicaceae: Mustard Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)38.38. Listera convallarioides — Broad-leaved Twayblade (Orchidaceae: Orchid Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)39.39. Opuntia fragilis — Brittle Prickly Pear (Cactaceae: Cactus Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)41.41. Orobanche fasciculata — Clustered Broomrape (Orobanchaceae: Broomrape Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)41m.41m. Packera indecora — Plains Ragwort (Asteraceae: Aster Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)42.42. Parnassia palustris — Marsh Grass-of-Parnassus (Saxifragaceae: Saxifrage Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)44.44. Petasites sagittatus — Sweet Colt’s-foot (Asteraceae: Composite Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)45a.45a. Platanthera flava var. herbiola — Pale Green Orchid (Orchidaceae:Orchid Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)46.46. Polystichum braunii — Braun’s Holly Fern (Dryopteridaceae: Wood Fern Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)47.47. Potamogeton confervoides — Algae-leaved Pondweed (Potamogetonaceae: Pondweed Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)49.49. Polytaenia nuttallii — Prairie-parsley (Apiaceae: Parsley Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)49m.49m. Pseudognaphalium saxicola — Cliff Cudweed (Asteraceae: Aster Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)50m.50m. Ranunculus cymbalaria — Seaside Crowfoot (Ranunculaceae: Crowfoot Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)50p.50p. Rhynchospora scirpoides — Long-beaked Baldrush (Cyperaceae: Sedge Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)51.51. Ribes oxyacanthoides ssp. oxyacanthoides — Canadian Gooseberry (Grossulariaceae: Currant Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)51m.51m. Salix planifolia ssp. planifolia — Tea-leaved Willow (Salicaceae: Willow Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)52.52. Solidago simplex var. Gillmanii — Dune Goldenrod (Asteraceae: Composite Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)52m.52m. Sparganium glomeratum — Clustered Bur-reed (Sparganiaceae: Bur-reed Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)52r.52r. Stuckenia vaginata — Sheathed Pondweed (Potamogetonaceae: Pondweed Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)53.53. Triantha glutinosa — False Asphodel (Liliaceae: Lily Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)53m.53m. Trichophorum cespitosum — Tussock Bulrush (Cyperaceae: Sedge Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)54.54. Trillium nivale — Snow Trillium (Liliaceae: Lily Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)55.55. Trisetum spicatum — Spike Trisetum (Poaceae: Grass Family).
NR 27.03(3)(i)56.56. Valeriana uliginosa — Marsh Valerian (Valerianaceae: Valerian Family).
NR 27.03 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, September, 1979, No. 285, eff. 10-1-79; r. (2) (g) 13. and 17.; renum. (2) (g) 1. to 12., 14. to 16., 18. to 33. to be (2) (g) 2. to 6., 9. to 12., 14., 15., 17. to 20., 22., 24., 26., 29., 30., 32. to 34., 37. to 39., 43., 44., 46. to 49., cr. (2) (g) 1., 7., 8., 10., 13., 16., 21., 23., 25., 27., 28., 31., 35., 36., 40. to 42., and 45., renum. (3) (g) 2. to 23. to be 5., 6., 8. to 12., 14. to 19., 21., 22., 24., 25., 29., 30., 33., 35., 38., cr. (3) (g) 2. to 4., 7., 13., 20., 23., 26. to 28., 31., 32., 34., 36. and 37., Register, October, 1981, No. 310, eff. 11-1-81; r. (2) (b) 1., (c) 1., (e) 6., (3) (b) 5., (e) 1., 3., 6., 8. and 9., r. and recr. (2) (d), (3) (c) 1., (3) (d), am. (3) (g) 10. and 26., renum. (2) (b) 2. to 5. to be 1. to 4., (2) (b) 6. to be 5. and am., (2) (b) 7. and 8. to be 6. and 7., (2) (c) 2. to be 1., (2) (e) 1. to 5. and 7. to be 2., 4., 5., 6., 7. and 8., (3) (b) 1. to 4. to be 3. to 6., (3) (e) 2. to be 1., (3) (e) 4. and 5. to be 2. and 3., (3) (e) 7. to be 4., (3) (e) 10. to be 6., cr. (2) (b) 8., (2) (c) 2., (2) (e) 1. and 3., (3) (b) 1. and 2., (3) (e) 5., Register, November, 1982, No. 323, eff. 12-1-82; r. and recr. (1), Register, August, 1983, No. 332, eff. 9-1-83; cr. (2) (g) 4m., 7m., 8m., 9m., 22m., 30m., 40h., 40q., (3) (g) 2m., 3m., 4e., 4j., 4o., 4t., 5m., 13m., 15h., 15q., 17m., and 29m., Register March, 1985, No. 351, eff. 4-1-85; r. (3) (b) 2., renum. (3) (b) 3. to 6. to be 2. to 5., Register, August, 1986, No. 368, eff. 9-1-86; r. (2) (b) 1. and 2., (3) (g) 17., 19. and 24., renum. (2) (b) 3. to 8. to be (2) (b) 4., 1., 8., 9., 11., and 6., (2) (e) 1. to 8. to be (2) (e) 5. to 9., 4., 2. and 3., (2) (f) 1. to be (2) (g) 7., (2) (g) to be (2) (i), (3) (b) 1., 3. and 5. to be 9., 10. and 1., (3) (e) 1. to 6. to be (3) (e) 3., 1., 4., 5., 10. and 2., (3) (g) 1. to 16., 17m., 18., 20. to 23., 25. to 38., to be (3) (i) 1. to 6., 8. to 11., 14., 17. to 19., 22. to 35., 38. to 44., 46. to 57., cr. (2) (b) 2., 3., 5., 7., 10., (2) (e) 1., (2) (f), (2) (g) 1. to 6., 8. to 11., (2) (h), (2) (i) 22p., 22t., 25m. and 29m., (3) (b) 3., 5. to 8., 11. and 12., (3) (e) 6. to 9. and 11., (3) (g) and (h), (3) (i) 7., 12., 13., 15., 16., 20., 21., 36., 37. and 45., r. and recr. (3) (b) 4., (3) (d) and (3) (f), Register, August, 1989, No. 404, eff. 9-1-89; am. (2) and (3), Register, July, 1997, No. 499, eff. 8-1-97; r. (2) (d) 1., (e) 2., 4., 6. and 8., (i) 3., 5. and 43., (3) (b) 6., (e) 2., 3 and 9., (g) 1., (i) 4., 10., 50. and 52; cr. (2) (d) 1m., (e) 2m., 2t., 4m., and 6g., (i) 5m., 25d. and 43m., (3) (b) 6m., (e) 5m., 5t. and 9m., (g) 8., (i) 4g., 28m., 50p. and 52., Register, September, 1998, No. 513, eff. 10-1-98; r. (2) (a) 3., am. (3) (a), Register, September, 1999, No. 525, eff. 10-1-99; CR 03-081: r. (3) (a) Register July 2004 No. 581, eff. 8-1-04; CR 08-083: r. (2) (b) 2. and (3) (b) 8. Register October 2009 No. 646, eff. 11-1-09; EmR1037: emerg. cr. (3) (a), eff. 9-29-10; CR 10-114: cr. (3) (a) Register May 2011 No. 665, eff. 6-1-11; CR 13-010: cr. (2) (b) 2., 3L., r. (2) (b) 3m., am. (2) (b) 5., r. (2) (b) 10., 11., am. (2) (d) 1m., renum. (2) (e) 7. to (2) (e) 5m. and am., cr. (2) (f) 2g., 2r., 2w., am. (2) (i) 2., 5m., r. (2) (i) 14., am. (2) (i) 16., 17., renum. (2) (i) 25d. to (2) (i) 3. and am., am. (2) (i) 40d., cr. (3) (b) 1g., r. (3) (c) 2., 3., am. (3) (e) 5t., r. (3) (e) 7., renum. (3) (f) 1. to (3) (f) 3. and am., cr. (3) (f) 1m., r. (3) (f) 2t., cr. (3) (g) 7m., r. (3) (i) 3., 4g., renum. (3) (i) 8. to (3) (i) 28t. and am., r. (3) (i) 20., am. (3) (i) 28m., r. (3) (i) 31., renum. (3) (i) 32m. to (3) (i) 49m. and am., r. (3) (i) 43., 45., am. (3) (i) 50p., 51., 51m., renum. (3) (i) 51p., 51t. to (3) (i) 53m., 41m. and am., r. (3) (i) 51w., am. (3) (i) 53. Register December 2013 No. 696, eff. 1-1-14; correction in (3) (i) 19. made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register December 2013 No. 696. CR 14-025: r. and recr. (1), am. (2) (a) 1., renum. (2) (b) 3., 3L. to (2) (b) 6r., 6w. and am., am. (2) (b) 4., renum. (2) (b) 7. to (2) (b) 5m. and am., am. (2) (c) 3. to 6., (d) 1m., (e) 2t., 3., 4m., 6m., renum. (2) (f) 2. to (2) (f) 9x. and am., am. (2) (f) 2m., 2r., 5. to 7., 9g., (g) 1., 9., renum. (2) (i) 1. to (2) (i) 1r., am. (2) (i) 4., 5m., 8. to 12., 17., 17m., 18., 20., 21., 22., renum. (2) (i) 22m. to (2) (i) 1g. and am., am. (2) (i) 23., 25., 25m., 26., 27., 29m., 29t., 30m., 40q., 41., 43m., 44., 45., 49., renum. (3) (b) 2., 2t., 3. to (3) (b) 1c., 5a., 8a., and am., am. (3) (b) 6m., renum. (3) (b) 7. to (3) (b) 6a. and am., am. (3) (b) 10., renum. (3) (b) 12. to (3) (b) 9a. and am., am. (3) (c) 1., (e) 9m., renum. (3) (f) 2. to (3) (f) 1e. and am., am. (3) (i) 7., 11., 14., 17., 19., 21., 25., 26., 28., renum. (3) (i) 32., 33. to (3) (i) 3a., 45a. and am., am. (3) (i) 34., renum. (3) (i) 40. to (3) (i) 3m. and am., am. (3) (i) 42., 44., 46., 47., renum. (3) (i) 48. to (3) (i) 52r. and am., am. (3) (i) 51., 52m., 56. Register May 2015 No. 713, eff. 6-1-15; republished Register June 2015 No. 714 to provide notice of reinsertion of (2) (i) 30. text inadvertently replaced in Register May 2015 No. 713 — correct text was reinserted in Admin. Code on 6-1-15.
NR 27.04NR 27.04Revision of Wisconsin endangered and threatened species lists.
NR 27.04(1)(1)Petition for changes.
NR 27.04(1)(a)(a) Requirements. Any 3 persons may petition the department to review the status of any listed or unlisted wild animal or wild plant. Such petitions must be dated, in writing, and submitted to the ENS. To be considered, requests must show in full the following information:
NR 27.04(1)(a)1.1. Names and addresses of persons petitioning;
NR 27.04(1)(a)2.2. Designation of the particular species in question;
NR 27.04(1)(a)3.3. Narrative explanation of the request;
NR 27.04(1)(a)4.4. Complete scientific supporting data for the request including evidence of Wisconsin residency, past numbers and geographic distribution, current numbers and geographic distribution, a substantial decline in numbers, and a substantial threat to remaining numbers or habitat or both; and
NR 27.04(1)(a)5.5. Signatures of the persons making the request.
NR 27.04(1)(b)(b) Review. If the department finds the petitioners have presented substantial evidence to warrant a review, the department shall proceed in accordance with ch. 227, Stats.
NR 27.04 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, September, 1979, No. 285, eff. 10-1-79.
NR 27.05NR 27.05Permits for endangered and threatened species.
NR 27.05(1)(1)Issuance. The department shall issue endangered and threatened species permits in accordance with the provisions of and for the purposes authorized in s. 29.604, Stats. Conditions designed to protect and preserve species on the department list shall be imposed on permittees.
NR 27.05(2)(2)Procedures.
NR 27.05(2)(a)(a) Applications. Applications for endangered and threatened species permits shall be made on forms furnished by the department and shall include:
NR 27.05(2)(a)1.1. Name and address of the applicant;
NR 27.05(2)(a)2.2. Personal description;
NR 27.05(2)(a)3.3. Purpose of the request;
NR 27.05(2)(a)4.4. Class, species, and number of specimens to be taken;
NR 27.05(2)(a)5.5. Area and period of time in which the specimens are to be taken;
NR 27.05(2)(a)6.6. Method of taking;
NR 27.05(2)(a)7.7. The place where specimens will be kept;
NR 27.05(2)(a)8.8. Duration of specimen possession;
NR 27.05(2)(a)9.9. Final disposition of specimens;
NR 27.05(2)(a)10.10. Applicant’s signature; and
NR 27.05(2)(a)11.11. Such additional information as may be requested by the department.
NR 27.05(2)(b)(b) Inspection. A permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be carried upon the person of the permittee when exercising the permit privileges. The permit and any authorized species obtained must be shown to the department or its agents upon request. Furs shall be marked or stamped with a stamp or tag furnished by the department to show such furs are legally held and possessed.
NR 27.05(2)(c)(c) Annual report. An annual progress report on activities authorized by the permit may be required by the department. The department shall notify the permittee if this report is required.
NR 27.05(2)(d)(d) Permit conditions. The permittee may only take, transport, possess, process or sell species on the department list subject to and in accordance with the conditions imposed by the department. Conditions shall include but are not limited to the minimum standards for feeding, treatment, sanitation, pens and housing prescribed in ss. NR 16.30 to 16.38.
NR 27.05(2)(e)(e) Permit authority. A permit issued pursuant to this chapter does not authorize the exchange, purchase or sale of specimens on the department list with persons who do not hold an appropriate state or federal endangered or threatened species permit. This paragraph does not apply to the exchange or purchase of permitted state endangered or threatened plants from purchase of permitted state endangered or threatened plants from persons possessing a valid endangered and threatened species permit which allows the sale of specific species. All persons, including those persons or businesses which are based outside of Wisconsin, selling Wisconsin endangered or threatened plants shall possess a Wisconsin endangered or threatened species permit for those species being sold.
NR 27.05(2)(f)(f) Care of injured animals. A permit issued under the authority of this chapter does not authorize the routine care of injured animals.
NR 27.05(3)(3)Plants. Permits are not required for persons to take wild plants of endangered or threatened species on property which they own or lease, or with landowner permission, except if the plants or their progeny are sold or processed, or in the course of forestry or agricultural practices or in the construction, operation or maintenance of a utility facility. Nothing in this rule prevents persons from propagating endangered or threatened wild plants on their own property as long as they do not sell these plants or distribute them to other properties which they do not own or lease.
NR 27.05(4)(4)Other permits.
NR 27.05(4)(a)(a) Any person obtaining a permit under this section need not obtain a scientific collector’s permit under s. NR 19.11 for that same species and purpose.
NR 27.05(4)(b)(b) The department may issue an endangered species certificate and seal to identify and mark a carcass, skin, hide, fur or part of an endangered or threatened species specimen held under a valid endangered or threatened species permit. A certificate and seal may only be transferred incidental to the transfer of the specimen for which the certificate and seal were issued.
NR 27.05(5)(5)Federal permits. A federal permit is required for all endangered and threatened wild animals and wild plants on the federal lists, unless such requirement is waived by the U.S. department of interior.
NR 27.05(6)(6)Permit revocation. The department may revoke the current endangered and threatened species permit of a person who violates any condition of the permit and the person may be ineligible to receive a permit for the following calendar year. Permit conditions may include but are not limited to: covered species, collection limitations, requirements to use local propagate sources, propagation methods, sales limits and documentation requirements. The department may issue another permit only if the person has corrected all deficiencies from any previous permit and agrees to abide by all permit conditions.
NR 27.05 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, September, 1979, No. 285, eff. 10-1-79; renum. (4) to be (4) (a) and cr. (4) (b), Register, March, 1990, No. 411, eff. 4-1-90; am. (2) (e), (3) and (4) (b), cr. (6), Register, April, 1993, No. 448, eff. 5-1-93; correction in (1) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, September, 1999, No. 525; CR 05-031: am. (2) (d) Register November 2005 No. 599, eff. 12-1-05.
NR 27.06NR 27.06Exceptions to permit requirements.
NR 27.06(1)(1)Federal permits.
NR 27.06(1)(a)(a) Any person taking, transporting, possessing or selling any wild animal or wild plant included in the U.S. foreign and native endangered and threatened species list, but not included in the Wisconsin endangered or threatened species lists, does not need a state permit if such person has a federal permit authorizing such possession. Any person who was previously exempted from needing a permit and is required to have a permit under this section shall apply for and be issued a permit no later than October 1, 1990.
NR 27.06(1)(b)(b) Any Native American Indian who is an enrolled tribal member may possess bald eagles or parts thereof for religious purposes if they have been issued a federal permit authorizing such possession.
NR 27.06(2)(2)Prior acquisition.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.